Seattle Public Schools


John Muir

John Muir Elementary School Early Learning Addition and Improvements


construction phase graphic showing that the school is in the Construction documents and permitting phase
Learn what happens during these phases
  • Predesign phase: Complete
  • Schematic design phase: Complete
  • Design development phase: Complete
  • Construction documents and permitting phase: In progress
  • Bid and award phase: Estimated start, March 2024
  • Construction phase: Estimated start, June 2024
  • Estimated completion: Summer 2025

School Design Advisory Team (SDAT)

Early in the design process, representatives from the school community come together to form a school’s SDAT. SDATs typically include school and district staff, parents, and community members. Students are sometimes included for all or part of the process. The project construction managers also take part. Learn more about the John Muir SDAT.

Project Updates

Progress updates are posted for the previous month after the monthly BEX and BTA Capital Levies Oversight Committee meetings.

Major Activity in January 2024

  • Submitted building permit to city.
  • Completed SEPA appeal hearing.

Major Activity Planned for February 2024

  • Continue construction documents work.
  • Receive Departures recommendations report from Department of Neighborhoods.

Project Design

architect drawing of part of an L-shaped brick building with trees, a flag, and people walking on walkways
architect drawing of a classroom with children and two adults. one adult is playing an instrument. the other adult is dancing.
architect drawing of the outside of an L shape brick building with a door and windows. play equipment is to the left. a paved area is in the center and right leading to the door.
architect drawing of the corner of a brick building with sidewalks on each side. trees are surrounded by grass. people are walking on the sidewalks

About the Project


This is a project to build a 4-classroom Early Learning addition with before- and after-school childcare support spaces.

It also includes improvements to the existing building including: renovating the 3rd floor of the 1971 addition from open concept to 3 classrooms, replacing the existing windows on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the 1971 addition with new thermopane windows, upgrades to the existing fire suppression system, and replacing the existing lighting with LED lighting.

The existing electrical service for the entire school will be replaced and the main electrical room expanded. The hot water header will be replaced. The loading dock will be modernized. Site work includes adding modular play equipment, bicycle parking, a bicycle garden, and work on the right-of-way curb ramp.

The existing school will remain on site during the school year while construction is going on.

Project Design: Anjali Grant Design

GCCM: Absher Construction

Funding Source: Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics V Capital Levy (BTA V), approved by voters in 2022 and a Distressed Schools Grant from the State of Washington.

Contact Us

Let’s Talk Comment and Question form

Project Manager: Matisia Hollingsworth,, 206-252-0901